Monday, February 1, 2010

Someday I'll blog, but in the meantime check out Foxy Pink Cheetah

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Raining Bird Poo

After class today, I noticed that mother nature was preparing herself for a downpour. This was alarming to me because I decided to drive Tia (my motorcycle) to campus instead of my jeep. I knew there was a good chance it would rain today when I woke up, but it is soo much more convenient for me to drive my motorcycle to school because I have a parking pass, which basically allows me to park next to the business building. Uhmazing. Anyways, the changing weather pattern made me decide to go home at that moment to try and avoid freezing my butt off in the rain. Upon arriving at the place where I had parked Tia, I noticed that her beautiful purple finish was now spotted with this white substance. The entire bike was coated with this stuff. I then took a gander in the mirror to find that my glasses, coat and backpack were also covered with this white goo. A giant flock of seagulls must have sneak attacked me like Pearl Harbor. That was my initial thought, I then thought that someone must have been spray painting somewhere and the wind carried it. But no, apparently it was just some dirty rain. All the dust in the air mixed with the rain to produce this white goo, but we all know it was raining bird poo.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


First off, I didn't even know what the word "blog" meant until I came home from my mission 3 years ago. It has always amazed me the evolution of languages and how quickly new words can be introduced into societies. I've always wanted to be the creator of a new word that would enter mainstream language that I could take credit for. Think about it, "google," "blog," and "bootylicious" are all legit words newly introduced to the English language. These new words even have coveted spots in the English dictionary. However, what about the urban dictionary with words like "frick," "crunk," and "sick." Sick is a new favorite in my home, as noted when my mother tried to implement it into one of our conversations. For those of you who have ever heard a young adult exclaim that Kobe Bryant's dunk the other day was 'sick', and you weren't sure whether to think that was good or bad? No worries, sick is a good thing when applied in this context. Back to the story of my mother, one night I was telling her about my plans for Fall Break in school to go down to Las Vegas with my friends. I told her that it was gonna be fun for a good mormon boy to be romping around the big city with his buddies, gambling and checking out the 'sites'. My mom then said, "That would be sick'. I of course got all defensive and started telling her that I was just kidding, and that we truly wouldn't be doing anything immoral. She started laughing and explained to me that she meant "sick" in the good way, the way that I'm always using it. Haha, I would have NEVER thought that my mom would attempt to incorporate this new urban slang into her vocabulary. We all laughed about it for a good while, it was sick.